We’ve a few ways to show you the all up costs. We can also tailor our services to exactly what you want, what your budget is and how complex the event will be. If you don’t see what you want below, call us and discuss.

Simple one hour event $698

Yup, we do simple and economical, we’ll also put the streamed file online on a private web page in case someone missed the stream, you want to watch again or download the file.

Multi Camera 3 Hrs Live $2390

We’ve the gear and experience to get the right angles, great coordination between our team and a polished feel, talk to us about graphics and onscreen information that will lift you presentation.

Large event? Call us

OK so we may turn down the Olympics or a gig with 40 cameras, but we can run up to 10 cameras and fancy graphics that will make your brand shine, talk to us we love a big show!